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Uveitis Treatment

“Uveitis” is a broad term that is used to describe inflammation affecting the eyes. Uveitis can be acute, occurring in symptomatic flare-ups with periods of relative calm in between. It can also be chronic, causing inflammation over time without any obvious symptoms.

Uveitis Diagram

Uveitis can be classified by the different parts of the eye that are affected:

Uveitis can be either infectious or noninfectious. Infectious causes of uveitis may be from viruses, bacteria, parasites, or fungi.

Examples of organisms that can cause infectious uveitis to include:

Some cases of noninfectious uveitis may be related to systemic autoimmune disorders, such as:

In other cases, they can be related to systemic medications. In about half of all noninfectious uveitis cases, the cause is idiopathic, or unknown. Your doctor may request for you to have bloodwork or imaging performed to look for systemic causes of your uveitis.


Woman with uveitis

The treatment of uveitis depends on the cause of the condition.

In the case of infection, you may be required to take medications directed toward eradicating the infection.

For noninfectious causes of uveitis, treatment options may include steroid eye drops, local steroid injections, systemic steroids, or systemic immunosuppressive therapy.

Uveitis specialists often coordinate with other doctors including rheumatologists, neurologists, pulmonologists, cardiologists, and infectious disease doctors.

If you have uveitis, it is important to follow up with your uveitis specialist regularly, since untreated ocular inflammation can result in permanent damage to the eye and irreversible vision loss.

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